Ecrins National Park
"With Esprit national park, we share the same approach of preservation of a mountain environment and despite everything fragile"

Sophie Jaussaud has been a market gardener for several years in Ancelle in the Champsaur valley in the Ecrins National Park. With the help of her partner and seasonal workers, she offers a variety of vegetables and small fruits in season.

When we settled down, we immediately turned to organic farming because it seems to me more favourable to safeguard the soils, that they can transmit the taste to the plant and that they are stronger.

The size of our market gardening structure allows us to have a great diversity of vegetables and also we try to plant a lot of flowers and other species so that many auxiliaries can develop and limit the presence of pests... which allows us to have a better balance in our fields.

We made the choice of short circuit by philosophy, because I know what I want to bring to people. And I want my vegetables to be fresh, to taste good and to be natural! I think it's important and I think people are very demanding of that.

What I like about the National Park Spirit brand is that it concerns a given territory, the territory where I live, where I work, where I live...and I found it interesting to participate in it because we share the same preservation approach.

Sophie Jaussaud Maraîchage Bio © B Bodin - Parc national des Ecrins
Sophie Jaussaud Maraîchage Bio
© B Bodin - Parc national des Ecrins
Marché, stand Légumontagne © Carlos Ayesta - Parc national des Ecrins
Marché, stand Légumontagne
© Carlos Ayesta - Parc national des Ecrins
Paniers de légumes, Légumontagne © Carlos Ayesta - Parc national des Ecrins
Paniers de légumes, Légumontagne
© Carlos Ayesta - Parc national des Ecrins
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